After one month of using RocketReader for just 15 minutes a day, you can double your reading speed with significantly better comprehension, and recall of the facts. RocketReader improves your reading speed and comprehension with an effective combination of exercises, flash training, speed training, memory tests, practice readings and timed speed tests. This technique has been advocated by many successful speed reading books and seminars. Looking for Text to Speech (TTS) or Text to Voice App Want to download Online Text to Speech or Voice Reader App Do you want to fool your friends by prank. The aim of the RocketReader software is to train the eye and the brain to accurately read a single sentence or line of information with a single eye movement. Welcome to TextSpeech Pro, the most powerful, easy to use text-to-speech software on the market. It can convert documents to speech audio files.
This barrier limits most readers to around 200 words per minute as the reader reads each word or each syllable with a single eye movement. TextSpeech Pro Ultimate is a professional text to speech software that reads documents (PDF, MS Word, etc.), web pages and Outlook emails aloud. Use MyWOT to run safety checks on any website. TextSpeech Pro v.3.5. Ratings and Reviews for textspeechpro - WOT Scorecard provides customer service reviews for. No one will find it difficult to understand the speech. Be the first to provide a review: Review this Software. Compare price, features, and reviews of the software side-by-side to make the best choice for your business. Therefore, anyone can easily recognize each character or word. TextSpeech Pro using this comparison chart.

RocketReader significantly increases reading speed by breaking what is termed the "sub-vocalization barrier". TextSpeech Pro for Mac OS v.3.5.4 Unleash the power of spoken text with TextSpeech Pro, the most natural-sounding, easy to use text-to-speech software on the market.Who needs TextSpeech Pro -Multi-tasking home users -People with special needs -Occupational, physical and speech. The quality of our tool is judged by many criteria but some of the very important points are as follows: Audio Clarity: The output audio is very transparent and high quality. RocketReader uses advanced artificial intelligence methods to put you in the learning zone this makes you successful in the difficult task of breaking lifelong poor reading habits and mastering fast accurate reading techniques. Simon Ronald, an artificial intelligence researcher who has authored numerous papers and articles on genetic algorithms and machine learning processes. The reading enhancement techniques in RocketReader were developed in the 1990's by Dr.